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关于OTT消费者的偏好和趋势,这些数据告诉了我们什么, 以及平台提供商如何解读这一趋势,以提高用户覆盖面并减少流失? 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP,与校长兼创始人Jon Giegengack讨论了这些问题, Hub娱乐研究Paul Erickson,创始人兼校长, 埃里克森的策略 & 的见解,这段视频来自他们的小组 流媒体连接2023.

Shapiro notes that Giegengack and Hub娱乐研究 regularly conduct consumer research about entertainment preferences. 他问, 回顾你过去两年的调查, 你认为消费者现在会对我们说什么?”

Giegengack says that while people are using more entertainment sources of all kinds, 视频占据了主导地位. 他表示:“去年达到峰值,人均辐射源略高于7个。. “It went down a little bit for the first time this year to a little more than six, 但这仍然是我们见过的第二高的数字. 所以,人们正在利用所有这些不同的选择. 他们创建了自己的bundle, 他们自己的视频服务栈, 其中一些做类似的事情.”

然而, Giegengack says that while people are excited about the sheer amount of options available to them, 大量的选择已经成为一个问题. “The amount of stuff they're trying to use in the same 24-hour day creates this environment where they have two problems,他说. 一个是复杂性. So just the task of trying to use all of these platforms that don't necessarily exist within one bundle yet.他表示,另一个问题源于价值. “与其他东西相比,人们更愿意在电视上花钱. 但随着这些堆栈变大, they are less willing to take a flyer and try out a new paid platform just for the heck of it to see what it's like. 他们更努力地思考, 我是否从中获得了足够的价值或者我所付出的足够多的效用?这和东西的价格是不同的. There are things that cost more than other things that people still think [are] more valuable because they have better utility. 但我认为他们用更敏锐的眼光看待, 我是否从这个平台得到了足够多的使用,值得这么做?“如果他们没有, they're more likely to drop it and take that money and transfer it to something different.”

Shapiro discusses a recent study he’d seen that breaks down the numbers of media usage by both age demographics and value. “Under 35 consumers have something like 16 services free and paid that they use on a regular basis,他说. “35岁以上有11个. 但这两种情况下, 在他们拥有的所有“必备”媒体中, 其中只有一半被认为是必须的, 也就是说另一半的人会一直处于危险之中.”

夏皮罗问埃里克森, “当你看到你与客户之间的数据时, what have you seen that effectively moves [a user] from ‘nice to have’ to ‘must have?你看到不同的平台了吗, 程序员, or publishers utilize content or packaging differently to move their services from the ‘kind of nice to have, 但是一次性的“必须有”一栏?

埃里克森说:“这对很多服务来说都是一个神奇的问题。. “你有他们在自己的内容组合中可以做的事情, 哪一个更擅长个性化, making sure that they're super serving [the viewer]…it's an ongoing issue with OTT in that it's a bit unfair to compare it to traditional pay TV because that dynamic of locking people in it will never be the same as it is with traditional pay TV…”

Shapiro says, “A large bundle, and then within that bundle to the triple play itself too.”

“It's always going to be easier to leave an OTT service, that just goes with it,” Erickson says. “So I think that going forward, we see certain services that are very niche doing well. 所以我们知道人们对某些细分市场非常感兴趣, and they're often willing to leave a service if that show they like is not there. 所以你在合作中获得力量, 你已经尽了最大的努力实现个性化, 你已经知道如何真正吸引你的特定观众. 然后下一个延伸就是找出答案, “好吧, 那么从包装的角度我们能做些什么呢? What can we do from other companies within our own corporate portfolio to where the collective is the most effective?’ So I think we're going to see a lot of evolution towards exploring these bundles and collaborations as a way of extending the power of what you can do within your own content portfolio.”

在下一篇文章中了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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Read Part Two of our breakdown of media cartographer Evan Shapiro's in-depth NAB NY analysis of the existential threats that the M&E产业面临着. Evan used his unique way of viewing the data flowing through the media and entertainment industry's ecosystem to present a distinctive understanding of what's occurring and where things are headed.


在NAB纽约的主题演讲中, 媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗(Evan Shapiro)强调了M&E产业面临着. 受众的消费行为和商业模式正在被颠覆. Evan used his unique way of viewing the data flowing through the media and entertainment industry's ecosystem to present a distinctive understanding of what's occurring and where things are headed.


当涉及到利用和建立优质OTT内容的受众时, how do strategies differ for premium ad-supported content and subscription-based content? Roku VP Jenn Vaux and ESHAP's Evan Shapiro discuss how and why these strategic approaches differ in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.

Scripps的Yazmin Wickham谈OTT应用开发 & 内容策略

流媒体's Tim Siglin sits down with Yazmin Wickham of Scripps' Network to discuss OTT app development and content strategies in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.


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As ad-driven monetization increasingly takes center stage in the OTT and premium content worlds today, 哪里的广告支出增长最快, 底层技术是如何发展的? Quickplay's Chris Drake and Altman Solon's Jonathan Hurd discuss current and emerging trends in ad-based streaming content monetization--particularly in the sports world--in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 West 2022.


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