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Navigating the New Media Revenue Frontier: Unifying Strategies for Success


Today’s media companies are facing complexity never seen before. With the proliferation of distribution channels across platforms and content types, 买家比以往任何时候都有更多的选择,他们想去哪里,他们想如何接触他们的受众. 卖家的任务是找到方法来扩大更多内容的分发,以及如何吸引更多的眼球. Scaling advertising revenue management requires expertise across linear, 数字和流媒体渠道与任何数量的不同的合作伙伴和技术.

支持收入管理的技术和流程并不是为了处理数据的急剧增长而构建的, 从提案到IO到运营再到报告的每一步的数量和细节. 销售和运营团队尤其发现,他们要从不同的系统中收集信息,并调整业务以满足广告商的需求,这些手工工作让他们不堪重负.

幸运的是, new technologies are emerging to address the complexity of revenue management, 通过统一系统, simplifying and automating workflows and delivering faster ROI.

The Realities of Today’s Multi-Media Landscape

Media companies are facing a new wave of innovation and growth. After nearly two decades of 数字 transformation, which gave rise to 数字 display and video ads, programmatic media buying, 以及受众定位, 媒体公司现在正努力应对联网电视(CTV)中流媒体服务的激增.) CTV is projected to grow to $26b 到2026年的广告收入,这代表着媒体公司广告销售的一个新的复杂层面.

以前拥有两种系统(一种用于线性,一种用于数字)的媒体公司现在面临着一个困难的现实,即他们需要围绕单一流程统一他们的系统,以便跨渠道销售. And for companies that have integrated technology, 许多人意识到,他们有一个脆弱的技术堆栈,由销售和运营团队的辛勤工作维系在一起,这些团队在系统之间手动输入信息,而这些系统从未真正为如此庞大的规模和复杂性而设计. 额外的复杂性还来自于专门针对CTV的新测量服务的引入. Without a common “currency” for how buyers want to purchase media types, sellers are forced to support all the ways buyers want to buy and think about buying. This includes the way they’re used to, 除了必须快速适应新货币和买家选择购买用户/印象的新方式之外. 点/单位.

What Media Companies Need to Succeed

媒体公司不可能挥动魔杖,自动用新技术取代现有技术. 即使他们可以, 这是行不通的, because many partnerships and processes still rely on the systems currently in place. Linear systems do more than traffic ads, sharing programming 信息, 例如. 数字系统集成了程序化技术、计费系统等.

 而不是, what media companies need, 以及什么最有效, 一个集中的系统是否可以解决他们面临的问题,同时集成他们已经拥有的技术. A solution would need to:

  • 统一产品目录:销售尤其需要访问一个“单一的真相来源”,它可以跨线性地汇总产品信息, 数字, CTV and any other channel. Sales can then create proposals more quickly and accurately, create the best offers with the best pricing, and move more quickly than the competition.
  • 灵活的销售方式:能够管理多种销售渠道和交易类型,包括直销, 编程(打开, PG), 自助, 和更多的.
  • 交付敏捷性:销售不仅需要在提案阶段快速响应广告商, both sales and operations need to be agile throughout the life of a campaign. A system should make it easy to make changes, optimize for performance and make changes such as creative swaps with ease.
  • Scale as needed: Publishers are facing a “data deluge.“每个新频道, they need to ingest millions if not billions of datapoints about each impression, 投标价格, 和更多的. As CTV grows and as publishers expand their business in new directions, 他们需要一个能够扩展和管理大量数据而不会减慢速度的系统.
  • 提供实时报告:在活动结束时提供单一汇总报告的日子已经一去不复返了. 广告客户和出版商都需要在整个广告周期内获得按需报道. 实时报告提供了优化交付、航向正确和账单准确所需的见解.
  • Integrate across systems - Publishers have a vast ecosystem of technology partners, 信息需要在他们的技术栈之间无缝传递,才能有效地传递.

New Innovations Solve for Media Company Needs

Technology is evolving in ways that benefit media companies. While their current systems were built to manage simpler channels and less data, new solutions are highly scalable and agile, built for the complexity and volume of 信息 that drives modern media.

一个主要的创新是将最关键的销售和计划工作流程引入基于云的技术,可以与其他系统集成. 这使得媒体公司能够为他们现有的技术堆栈注入灵活性和可访问性,而无需拆除和更换. Cloud-based order management, 例如, 为销售团队提供统一的产品目录,并帮助运营团队实现无缝交易. 这些基于云的系统可以摄取和处理大量的信息,并与遗留技术进行交互, acting as a central revenue driver.

Another new technology for media companies to note is modular design. Rather than having to integrate a monolithic platform, 媒体公司可以通过挑选他们需要的功能来轻松进入一个新的技术平台. 例如,首先从CTV和流媒体开始,然后发展到包括数字和线性. 他们还可以首先利用产品目录和统一费率卡进行前端销售支持,并在准备好后进入订单管理支持. 模块化设计使媒体公司能够更快地从系统中受益,并减少停机和过渡的风险.

现在正是媒体公司通过联系合作伙伴和研究市场上的新产品来更多地了解这些创新的好时机. Advertising is only going to get more complex as the market evolves, 建立一个系统来管理这种复杂性,并随着时间的推移而发展,这对未来的成功至关重要.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 手术. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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