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NAB 2018: Magewell Talks UltraStream Standalone Encoders

Anthony Burokas: 大家好,我是流媒体的Anthony burrokas. 我们在NAB 2018的麦格韦尔展位与迈克·南在一起. Now, you've got a new box coming out. 我知道你们生产转换器已经很多年了,但这个新盒子非常不同.

Mike Nann: It is. 人们可能最了解Magewell的是我们与第三方软件配对的捕获设备,以完成所有不同的功能, 但有一件事是,很多客户都在寻找一种不需要电脑操作的独立设备, to configure it, and so forth. So that's why we came out with the UltraStream family. UltraStream盒子被设计成一个完全独立的编码器,不需要所有这些其他配件来配合它.

Now, 在这个新系列的第一个模型中,我们真正想做的一件事就是让它非常容易使用. 现在有很多人看到了流媒体的价值,并想要流媒体, but have no technical knowledge of how to do it, 也不一定有机会雇人来帮他们, or the time to learn it. We're thinking people like church volunteers, educators, 企业营销人员只想把他们的产品放到各种不同的平台上,这些平台现在非常流行. And that was the big focus when we designed the new box.

Once it's set up, you can use the on-device buttons here, 或者我们也有一个直观的智能手机应用程序,你可以在智能手机上直接控制它. 所以很多独立的编码器需要一个浏览器和一台笔记本电脑,甚至只是第一次配置它们, but we've done away with that.

You know, the smartphone app can detect the device, you can configure it right in the smartphone, so never have to fire up a laptop to use it at all, even the first time.

Once you've got it set up, it will stream to all the popular services: Facebook Live, YouTube, Twitch, or your own custom servers. 您甚至可以同时流式传输到多个服务,因此一次不限于一个服务. And sorry.

Anthony Burokas: I think this one is just HDMI in?

Mike Nann: This one is HDMI in. So this is again the first model in the line. 我们会有其他的选项有不同的输入能力等等. But on this one you have an HDMI input, 你有HDMI环路,这样你就可以连接到显示器,而不需要外部分配器.

As far as the HDMI goes, this is a 1080p60 encoding and streaming device, 但它也会在HDMI上接收4K输入信号,并自动向下转换为高清. So you can hook it up game consoles. 对于那些想要直播自己游戏的人来说也是如此, 他们可以直接做到这一点,而不需要任何额外的转换框.

耳机和麦克风都有模拟音频,所以你可以做旁白,也可以监控. And in terms of other connectivity, for the network connectivity, it's got wired and Wi-Fi connectivity.

你可能已经注意到这里的另一部分是USB端口, 你可以连接一个USB驱动器,这样你就可以不只是直播了, but you can also be recording onto the USB drive. 内置的存储器可以循环录制,这样你就可以循环录制整个过程,然后再用智能手机应用程序修剪剪辑,然后按需拉出你想要的东西, download, you automatically have your on-demand clips as well.

Anthony Burokas: 这么小的一个盒子里有这么多的功能. 我可以看到很多人对此感兴趣——比如酒吧,或者类似的地方. They have a live TV night. And it's like, “我们想把东西放到我们的YouTube频道上,我不打算做电视, I just want to push something.”

Mike Nann: Again, it could be the bar manager, 所以他不需要有技术水平的专业知识来弄清楚如何使用它. Anybody on his staff can easily operate this. Again, you go in once to configure it just to set your servers, your logins for all your different services. Once that's set, hit the button and off you go.

Anthony Burokas: That is very cool. And what's the price point of this?

Mike Nann: This is under $400.

Anthony Burokas: Okay, 这是低于400美元,我知道这不是你在NAB 2018上唯一的东西, what else?

Mike Nann: Obviously, this is the biggest new product for us. 但就像我说的,Magewell不仅仅是捕捉设备. And that's one of the things we're showcasing at the show. 在去年的这个展会上,我们推出了FLEX I/O系列,它包括捕获和播放. But again, also I mean capture is such a big thing for us. So we've got new things in our capture line as well.

Right before the show, we announced HDR capabilities in our 4K HDMI models, 对于那些现在就想开始用HDR流媒体播放的人来说,这是一件大事,因为它可以提供高动态范围和额外的视觉质量.

We also have new models. 例如,这个新型号是我们的双通道4K型号. 而很多多通道4K卡只能做到4K,每秒30帧. 这将实现2个通道,每秒60帧,单卡4K.

Anthony Burokas: Oh my goodness!

Mike Nann: 所以,我们在展会上展示了很多新东西.

Anthony Burokas: 如果有人需要更多关于这些产品的信息,这些是网上最新的产品吗?

Mike Nann: The dual-channel 4K card is on the web already. The new UltraStream box is going to be shortly after NAB. Be sure to check it out on the website. That's www.magewell.com.

Anthony Burokas: Thank you very much. My name is Anthony Burokas. You heard it here first. This is NAB 2018 for streaming media. Thanks for watching.

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