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Niche SVOD services are well capable of making money 和 they may even be more resilient against churn than major platforms. 有哪些独特的因素能够让小众内容在长期中表现如此出色?

“我希望你谈谈小众内容, 因为我发现这对SVOD来说是一种有趣的方式,可能会扩展并朝着另一个方向发展,——克里斯·普法夫, 首席执行官, 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体, 美国制片人协会 (PGA), VR / AR协会 (VRARA),对研究部副总裁詹妮弗·肯特说, Parks Associates.

肯特说:“你可以提供一项利基服务,而且完全有利可图. “目标不一定是吃掉世界,对吧? 你的目标是服务好你的客户. And I think that there are some services that are really doing a phenomenal job of building community 和 underst和ing what's important to their particular segment. 我们最近有一位来自 kweliTV 专门研究黑人和非裔美国人社区. 他们有真实的现场社区活动. They have engagement panels that people can come on to 和 talk to some of their lead stars 和 personalities. 有几个以lgbtq为重点的(平台)在连接人群方面做得非常出色.” This more personalized approach is what encourages people to add these niche services to their already existing stack of “foundational services.”

The big push for hits on major streamers in recent years may no longer be a sustainable model for maintaining subscriptions in any case, 普法夫笔记, because hits are now popping up on many major platforms that keep subscribers watching primarily f或者是 show but may not keep them maintaining their subscriptions for longer periods. 普法夫说,虽然他订阅了各种各样的小众服务,比如 橡子 或者是 标准通道“然后有人走过来说,‘嘿,你在看 Hulu.“嗯,不,不完全是,有一个节目, 这只熊.普法夫说,像这样的突破 这只熊 可能会在一段时间内吸引用户到Hulu,但像这样的大热节目的日子 陌生的东西 一旦炒作降温,能否长期维持订阅. 他说:“也许我们已经缩小了一些热门游戏的窗口。.

The move towards ad-supported tiers 和 slower programming rollouts is also another factor in changing the dynamics of the OTT industry as a whole. 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP,专注于 网飞公司 in particular with their sudden reversal on creating ad tiers while also rolling out programming in segmented ways in hopes of keeping users subscribed longer. “他们正在推翻每一个决定,”夏皮罗说. 而网飞曾宣称,它永远不会加入广告或推出节目, 这种方法的有效性已经被其他顶级平台充分证明. “这真的非常有效 HBO马克斯 Hulu, 苹果 以及其他所有这些,”他说. “你知道,它让人们订阅的时间更长. 所以网飞公司放弃了两个不同的部分 陌生的东西 季节, 也就是说,他们承认我们需要一次推出一周的产品.”

尤其是小众SVOD, 夏皮罗说, “I've seen data that shows that the niche services actually churn at a lower rate than the premium services. 我认为邪教是比被动的观众更好的生意.他强调 Crunchyroll. “令人惊叹的产品,拥有非常稳定的用户基础,因为它每天都在使用, 日化动漫即将登陆日本,他说. “这些用户不会退出! 他们哪儿也去不了 他们年轻.“即使是针对非常专业的受众, niche providers may still be appealing to the big industry players f或者是ir staying power 和 loyal audience. 夏皮罗指出 索尼 收购了Crunchyroll,之后可能还会有更多类似的收购. “我认为你会看到这样的事情 不寒而栗BritBox 被这些更大质量的死星吞噬,因为它们是很好的抗搅动机制,他说.

了解更多关于小众SVOD内容的信息 流媒体西部2022.

看 完整的视频 来自流媒体连接2022.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


With streaming demonstrating time 和 again that there are "riches in the niches" 和 the advantages of developing the agility to pinpoint narrower markets 和 superserve them with targeted content, 广播公司如何从学习像主播一样思考中获益, 他们可以采取什么策略来利用这种思维? 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》/甘尼特的迈克尔·内格尔, 派拉蒙的科里·史密斯, 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, 来自Agile Content的Jonah Bolin, 直箭新闻的罗伯·狄龙报道, 和 Manatt's Eric Bergner offer their insights in this clip from a recent panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.


十大领先的独立流媒体平台, 包括Revry, Vevo, Tastemade, 值得信赖的媒体品牌, recently joined forces to create the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) to promote the value of independent streaming channels, 为广告行业提供受众的深入研究, 制定独立流媒体推广和发展的最佳实践, 并设法与中央电视台的主要成员合作.


While recent slumps in subscription-driven OTT have convinced many observers that great content 和 plenty of it simply aren't enough, what can content providers do to reverse that trend by following the numbers 和 underst和ing their audiences better? Hub Entertainment 研究's Jon Giegengack has the numbers 和 some strong recommendations in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Hub Entertainment的Jon Giegengack谈到改变SVOD战略

Jon Giegengack of Hub Entertainment 研究 talks about shifting SVOD strategies with Tim Siglin in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.

麦哲伦电视的James Lauzun谈许可,营销和分发纪录片内容

Tim Siglin talks to James Lauzun of MagellanTV about the ins 和 outs of running a niche streaming OTT service from an SVOD 和 FAST content 和 monetization strategy st和point, 包括订阅费, 内容的权利, 和分布, 在流媒体东2023的采访中.

Shamroc Peterson谈论推出多元化电视

Diverseego TV Founder 和 首席执行官 Shamroc Peterson discuss Diverseego TV's strategy to reach viewers 和 work with destinations to encourage Blacks 和 Latinos to overcome longst和ing barriers to travel throughout the US in this interview with 流媒体 Editor-in-Chief Steve Nathans-Kelly at 流媒体西部2022.


随着流媒体服务的激增和FAST层的增加, how will niche channels survive in the streaming ecosystem without being overwhelmed by more prominent content or removed due to lack of adequate market performance, 尤其是像Roku这样的主流媒体公司? Marisa Elizondo of fuboTV discusses this issue with other leading industry figures from Best Ever Channels, 值得信赖的媒体品牌, 和Eyevinn Technology.


Niche OTT streaming services are game-changers for minority audiences such as Black 和 LGBTQ populations by offering community-building year-round programming that uplifts 和 celebrates underrepresented lives


Revry首席执行官 & Co-Founder Damian Pelliccione provides a capsule history of Revry's evolution 和 growth as a leading OTT niche vertical 和 the largest global aggregator 和 distributor of LGBTQ+ content, from its beginnings as a subscription-based service to a mostly ad-supported tribrid offering--with major partners in the Smart TV space 和 also global br和s like McDonald's.


2 ghtr.co Founder Matt DiLorenzo 和 Revry's Damian Pelliccione discuss how identifying 和 responding to the needs of an engaged community helps niche OTT services grow in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2022.


Roku Channel Senior Manager Nicole Fencel dicusses Roku's strategies for heightening the discovery of niche OTT platforms in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


Revry联合创始人Alia J. Daniels 和 Frndly founder Bassil El-Khalib discuss what "niche" means as applied to premium OTT services 和 how the perception that niches are small can make the term misleading for certain target audiences however precisely defined in this clip from their panel at 流媒体s East Connect 2021.