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SpotX and clypd Bridge Audiences between National Linear TV and OTT

SpotX, the leading global video advertising and mo网ization platform, together with clypd, the leading audience-based sales platform for television advertising, today announced a plan to integrate their platforms and build products that focus on audience efficiencies and solve for the current state of media fragmentation across linear TV and over-the-top (OTT).

The collaboration allows for the unification of audience segment definitions across disparate channels, 预测观众人数, 交易, 以及跨线性电视和OTT的报道. One key value of the solution is the ability to enable the extension of audience reach across both TV and OTT holistically within a campaign. This offering provides publishers with an end-to-end cross-platform ad sales solution to earn more revenue by tapping into the growing demand for cross-platform opportunities from traditional TV and digital budgets.

发现 和福克斯公司 are among the first media owner partners planning to leverage the new data-driven solution to enable cross-platform ad sales. 另外, MRI-Simmons will be a key data partner in helping to deliver a unified audience target across platforms, 这是clypd/SpotX解决方案的一个重要方面.

“任何跨平台解决方案要想成功, high-quality data needs to be a fundamental input to enable audience optimization and reporting,约书亚·皮萨诺说, MRI-Simmons数据创新高级副总裁. "MRI-Simmons has been a data leader in audience insights for decades and we are excited to continue to be at the forefront of innovation, collaborating with clypd and SpotX to bring MRI targets to this industry-leading offering."

"Media owners can now leverage our solution to offer advertisers the ability to maximize ad campaign efficiencies based on audience across media channels within a single platform,马特·麦克雷根说, SpotX高级电视增长高级总监. "Our approach focuses on audience fulfillment across content verticals, and represents a critical complement to existing methodologies that produce fragmentation by simply layering audience targeting on top of content-based decisioning. We are excited to be working with clypd to develop solutions that leverage the power of cross-platform ad serving to deliver enhanced campaign performance."

Nearly 73 percent of the American audience that regularly streams video has watched ad-supported OTT, and 45% report they regularly watch ad-supported video the most, 根据内务部的说法. 美国OTT收视率的增长.S. serves as a unique opportunity for both media buyers and sellers as the lines between linear TV and OTT continue to blur.

"Leading media companies and marketers looking to converge their traditional television and digital video advertising efforts have been challenged by the disparities in the technical plumbing and differing business strategies of TV and OTT. 直到现在, 他们缺乏整体规划的工具, 跨两个环境执行和分析,杰森·伯克说。, clypd战略副总裁. "The product roadmap from clypd and SpotX lays the groundwork to deliver a product suite powering cross-platform ad investments and driving measurable KPIs across the advertising industry."

For more 信息 on the SpotX-clypd offering, please visit http://hubs.ly/H0hp01y0.


SpotX, RTL集团公司, is the leading video advertising platform unifying TV and digital video globally. Our solutions enable media owners to mo网ize content across all screens and streams while providing advertisers with direct access to premium inventory. 我们传递数据, 控制, 透明度, 可行的见解, 专家服务需要了解买家的行为, 管理访问和定价, 最大化收益. 拥有一流的视频技术, our brand-safe solution is employed by some of the largest media owners in the world including A+E Networks, AT&T、CW电视网、探索频道、艺电、E.W. 斯克里普斯, 福克斯公司, fuboTV, 甘尼特, 微软, 冥王星的电视, Roku, Samba电视, 吊索的电视, 沃尔玛的Vudu, 以及欧洲的IP德国和日本的电通CCI. SpotX also partners with a variety of different companies within the digital video ecosystem including comScore, DoubleVerify, 整合广告科学, JW球员, MediaMath, 护城河, 尼尔森, 甲骨文, 和更多的. 总部设在丹佛, SpotX在全球有26个办事处,包括阿姆斯特丹, 芝加哥, 汉堡, 伦敦, 洛杉矶, 米兰, 纽约, 巴黎, 旧金山, 新加坡, 斯德哥尔摩, 悉尼, 和东京. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.spotx.tv.


clypd is the only automated data-driven TV platform enabling media companies to capture the seismic shift towards audience-targeted TV advertising. 成立于2012年, 该公司的电视销售平台实现了工作流程自动化, data-enhanced decisioning and provides media partners with tools to manage their sales efforts. The company's clients represent roughly 60% of the $70 billion US television advertising spend, including leading national cable and broadcast 网works such as A+E Networks, 发现, 迪斯尼, 和福克斯公司. The clypd team is comprised of both TV and digital advertising experts, which uniquely positions the company to understand and meet the needs of the television industry while leveraging the best strategies from the digital world. 有关clypd的更多信息,请访问 www.clypd.com 或者在Twitter上关注clypd @clypd.

行业公告's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.网

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