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我就直说了吧. Vidizmo EnterpriseTube是我评测过的第一款企业YouTube产品. 所以,如果你正在寻找一个详细的产品与其他选择的比较分析, 这, 不幸的是, 不是吗. 另一方面, if you’re curious about what a corporate YouTube does and how it works, 好吧, 我们可以一起踏上这段旅程. 你在? 让我们开始吧.

在高水平上, the term “corporate YouTube” says it all; it’s a mechanism for employees, 客户, and other partners to 上传 and share video-related content. 当然,企业生活的本质带来了一些特殊的担忧. 例如, 你可能需要一个非常严格的节制功能,这样c级高管就不会看到上次销售活动的视频. 是的,那些. 你可能还需要缓和一下YouTube上那些看起来很有趣的评论, but could be career-limiting inside the firewall.

除此之外,你还需要管理谁能看到什么,无论是在公司内部还是外部. 你希望视频在不同的平台和设备上播放,观众可以在这些平台和设备上观看视频. 您可能还需要单点登录和与现有企业门户的集成, plus the ability to track the performance of all videos, and who’s been watching which videos and for how long. Vidizmo EnterpriseTube does all 这, and a whole lot more.

Vidizmo EnterpriseTube

Vidizmo EnterpriseTube是Vidizmo创建的综合媒体管理和分发平台的一组离散功能的产品化. Other products carved out in a similar fashion include MediaTube, which lacks functions like the ability to work with SCORM content; MediaLMS, which adds SCORM back in; and Media Commerce, which includes monetization via a paywall, shopping cart functionality or advertising support. Complicating these product comparisons even further, mediattube和EnterpriseTube有标准版本和高级版本,具有不同的功能集. Vidizmo有一个特性表,可以在http://go2sm上准确地显示哪些是什么.com/vidizmo.

I worked with the premium version of EnterpriseTube, but focused most of my attention on core features. 例如, the premium version can import SCORM content, 制作现场活动, produce interactive video with quizzes, 民意测验和调查, and edit video within the media management system. 你会看到, I had my hands full figuring out the content 上传, 适度, 审批流程, plus testing playback functionality, so I spent no time on these extras.

You can see the fruits of my efforts in 图1,有两个频道和大约30个视频的流媒体学习中心EnterpriseTube. As I’ll explain in more detail below, 根据不同的权限,每个查看者可以看到不同的主页视图. 图1是Streaming Learning Center通道的管理员视图, 通过图像顶部的Admin菜单选项,可以完全访问所有通道选项(在左侧)和其他管理选项. Users with view-only rights see very little of these controls, with videos presented as three categories; Most Recent, 最受欢迎的, 观看人数最多.

图1. 我的Vidizmo enterprise tube

就建筑而言, 您可以将EnterpriseTube作为托管云应用程序访问,也可以在私有云中访问. 价格从5美元起,000 to $100,000 or higher depending upon the number of users, 渠道及特点. If you scan the aforementioned features table, 您会注意到一些函数, such as 适度 and integration with SharePoint, SiteCore, WordPress, Drupal, 及其他CMS, 是可选的. So if you get into a pricing discussion, be sure to understand what’s included in the system you’re purchasing, 什么不是.

Let’s start with a look at how content is organized and secured, then move into the content production workflow.


内容是按频道组织的, each with its own membership type, which can follow one of four preset configurations, 或者完全自定义. 例如,公共频道可以被任何人观看,甚至是互联网上的匿名观众. Internal channels can be accessed only by authenticated viewers, 而受限制的通道只能由具有查看该通道权限的经过身份验证的观看者查看. 最后,隐藏通道只能由管理员查看,并且从目录中隐藏. 超越准入和会员资格, channels can be branded differently for a completely different appearance.

顾名思义, channels provide a simple way to direct videos to certain groups, or to configure groups of videos in certain ways. 例如, you could have one channel for sales that only sales personnel could access, and another for human resources that all employees can access. 您可能决定允许这些内部频道的观看者添加评论和评级, but not spread the word via social media functions.

You could also create a channel accessible over the general internet, but let viewers embed those videos, 他们速度, and share them through 推特 and Facebook, 但不要留下评论. 尽管您可以在一个视频一个视频的基础上自定义频道中的一些功能, 这是最简单的,如果你只是创建一个频道,这样你就可以一次分配多个视频的权利.

您可以在常规设置选项卡中设置观看权限和这些与视频相关的功能 图2 (限制会员设置). Assuming you have the required authorization, you can override these selections for single videos, 但在大多数情况下, you’ll simply default to these settings for all 上传ed content. 如你所见 on the left in 图1, all channels can also have categories, which allow further segmentation of the channel content.

图2. Setting high-level configuration options for the entire channel

Further to the right in the tabbed menu in 图2, 您将看到Login options选项卡, 它是在 图3. 在这里,您可以选择观众登录频道的方式:直接进入EnterpriseTube系统, through a shared corporate login for single sign-on, or through a third-party login from accounts like Google, 推特, 或Facebook. 您还可以设置限制频道视频可以嵌入或共享的方式和位置的选项, as 好吧 as as how long a user can remain logged in without any activity.

图3. The features accessible in the Login tab of the Settings control 


There are five defined user roles that you can customize as desired. Starting with users with the least rights, 观众可以观看发布的内容,并执行评分和评论等功能. 贡献者可以查看和上传内容,但在发布之前必须得到管理员或版主的批准. 版主可以查看, 上传, 发布, 适度的内容, but can’t change channel settings or invite new users. 经理s have complete control over a channel, 包括查看, 上传, 批准, creating or scheduling a live or on-demand presentation, 设置嵌入选项, 查看分析, 管理用户. Administrators can manage branding, 创建新渠道, 管理用户, though they can’t 上传 or manage content within a channel; that’s owned by the moderator and managers.

如果您在拥有现有登录和安全基础设施的公司中使用EnterpriseTube, 您可以使用Vidizmo将现有用户集成到系统中,然后分配他们可以查看内容的权限和频道. 否则, 通过在系统内发送电子邮件,并使用典型的登录和密码选择工作流邀请参与者加入聚会.

如上所述, 当用户登录时, 他们的主通道页面是为他们可以执行的活动和他们被授权查看的内容定制的. 因此查看器只能看到内容, 而贡献者也有添加新和我的媒体按钮来上传和管理新内容. Administrators see all the controls shown in 图1.


The typical workflow starts with a Contributor 上传 a video (图4). 选择视频后, the Contributor chooses a category for the video, adds a title and description and presses Upload. 在我的工作流中, a Contributor doesn’t have the right to 发布 a video, 上传就可以了, so it has to be approved by a Moderator, 经理, 或管理员. 如你所见, 贡献者无法设置指定使用权限的配置选项, 比如谁能看视频.

图4. Step 1 of the content creation workflow 

注意,图4中显示的屏幕是安装Silverlight时使用的上传屏幕. 如果没有安装Silverlight, 贡献者将看到一个HTML5上传屏幕,只有浏览文件的能力, 选择类别, 并输入描述和标签(所有这些功能都在图4所示屏幕的Basic Settings中), accessed via that tab on the upper left). So contributors can 上传 files with or without Silverlight installed; they just have more access to features with the plugin. 然而, for full access to media management functions, 版主, managers and administrators will need Silverlight, 尽管该公司正在努力实现对这些功能的HTML5控制.

在我的Windows测试站上,所有与silverlight相关的功能都运行良好. 在我的MacPro上,我可以在Firefox、Chrome和Opera中成功上传文件,但不能在Safari中上传. I performed a lot of testing on the MacPro, 然而, and the Safari-related 上传 problem was the only one I encountered. 我不是特别喜欢Silverlight,但它在这些测试中表现得非常好.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How to Choose a Corporate YouTube System for Any Company

有些企业YouTube系统是独立产品,有些则集成到更大的视频平台中. Here's how to make a smart choice.
