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Moscow State University’s 视频质量 Measurement Tool (VQMT) has always been one of the least expensive and most functional quality measurement tools available. 最新更新(10).0和10.1)添加新指标并提供重要的用户界面, 表演, and feature enhancements that make it a must-have upgrade for all serious streaming video producers. 像以前的版本一样,产品 花费999美元 with upgrade pricing available for some owners of previous versions. Here's a brief overview of the new features, which we explore in a video at the end of this article.

顺便说一下背景, VQMT is a Windows application that also runs via the command line in both Windows and Linux environments. VQMT是一个非常灵活的工具,包含超过15个指标, 包括引用和非引用, 很多都有不同的变化. The UI version can compare one or two compressed files to a single source, which is great for comparing different encoding techniques or encoding configurations.

在UI中,VQMT将结果绘制成图形(参见 图1) so you can gauge 表演 over file duration and identify problem areas. 例如, 图1 compares the same file, an excerpt from 钢铁之泪, encoded using constant bitrate encoding (green) and 200% constrained VBR encoding (orange) measured using the new VMAF metric. 虽然平均分很接近, the big green drop off around 30% into the file indicates a potential problem area as does the sharp downward spike on the extreme right.


图1. 对比CBR和200%约束VBR的结果图. 注意左上角的多个选项卡,下面将进行讨论.

您可以将滑块移动到图形中的任何一点, and then click Show Frame on the bottom right to view the source and two encoded frames. It’s a great way to identify any problem areas and to see if the scores actually reflect artifacts that would be noticeable by your viewers.


In terms of new metrics, Netflix’s VMAF is very high on the list. 自从VMAF在20世纪10年代出现以来,我就一直在与它合作.0 beta, and at first the analysis was single-threaded and exceptionally slow. 从那时起, MSU has done a great job accelerating 表演 on multiple-core computers like my HP Z840; while VMAF is still slow because it involves multiple metrics, 现在很好用了. 10新功能.1 is the NIQE metric, reportedly one of the best non-reference metrics available.

从UI的角度来看,版本10.0 represents a complete rewrite, which initially is jarring but ultimately is vastly superior. 有多种可用性增强, including the ability to drag and drop files into the main screen, 很方便. 更多的 important is the ability to run multiple tests simultaneously, as evidenced by the multiple tabs on the upper left of the figure.

这是, 首先你开始度量计算, 您可以加载新的压缩文件和源文件到程序中, 然后开始另一个分析. In previous versions, the program was locked until the initial computation completed. Though you could load multiple instances of the program (and you still can), 这很麻烦,而且容易崩溃. 我已经在版本10中运行了10个同步分析.1 without so much as a hiccup, a great way to leverage the 40 cores on my Z840.

The other great usability enhancement in the command line is the ability to analyze files of disparate resolutions without first converting them to Y4M format. 例如, to compare a 720p file against the 1080p source in previous versions, 您必须将720p文件缩放到1080p的Y4M文件. 它既简单又快速, 但这是额外的一步, and if you’re analyzing 100 files overnight or over a weekend, 和/或处理4K或更大的文件, 您可能没有可用的磁盘空间来执行此操作. In version 10, you can now compute any metric without first converting to Y4M.

举个例子, I recently completed a 2700p60p VR project that involved 3-minute test files, 每份150GB,格式为Y4M. 如果我必须预先转换成测试, 我可以测试大约5个文件而不会耗尽磁盘空间, 严重的限制. 有了这个新功能,磁盘空间就不再是问题了.

虽然这些特征听起来可能很普通, they vastly increase the testing throughput possible with VQMT. If objective quality metrics are an important part of your configuration and testing practice (and they should be), 因此,最新的升级是绝对必要的. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

莫斯科国立大学博士. 德米特里·瓦托林谈编解码器和质量

The head of the Moscow State University Graphics and Media Lab—the people behind VQMT and Subjectify.us—offers his insights into objective and subjective metrics, as well as VMAF hacking and AV1.


The good news: As always, Moscow State's codec studies are some of the most comprehensive available. The bad news: Unless you're TikTok or Tencent, you won't have access to some of the best performers.

Review: Moscow State University 视频质量 Measurement Tool

If you're serious about experimenting with different codecs and/or encoding parameters, 密歇根州立大学的视频质量测量工具是一个必不可少的工具, 版本13带来了一些受欢迎的改进.

3 Takeaways From Moscow State University's 2019 Codec Comparison

在视频编解码器的严格测试中, only one produced vastly different results during objective and subjective examinations. 是什么导致了这种差异呢?


This video analysis tool—VideoQuest for short—offers deeper metrics and is more configurable than others on the market, especially when exploring the differences between two encoded files.


Moscow State University makes subjective comparisons less time-consuming with an online service that enlists other people to watch and rank videos.

AV1 Beats VP9 and HEVC on Quality, if You've Got Time, says Moscow State

Latest codec quality comparison study finds AV1 tops on quality, 但在速度上远远落后, VP9打败了HEVC. 莫斯科政府还发起了“主体化”运动.Us,一个主观上比较视频质量的新服务.


除了比较HEVC编解码器, 报告还将HEVC与VP9和x264进行了比较, 结果可能存在争议

Review: Moscow State University 视频质量 Measurement Tool

从没听说过? Learn why we call this video encoding analysis tool invaluable, and a must-have for anyone serious about encoding or compression.